Using Storage When Combining Households

Moving in with a new spouse can be exciting, especially if this is a fresh start later on in life. Whether couples are individually coming from breakups, larger homes, or just have a lot of things, storage can make moving in less stressful. Here are three ways storage units can help couples moving in together find happiness with a new beginning.

1. The Best of Both Worlds

If you and your new spouse are combining two separate homes, you might have duplicates of many items. Instead of making snap decisions, hold on to extra furnishings, decor, and appliances until you can get a feel for what works in your new space. There might be items that you are on the fence about or there's just too much combined clutter from knickknacks and such. By keeping these item safe in storage for the time being, you can decide sell or give away items thoughtfully once you are settled.

2. Items Belonging to Adult Children

If you or your significant other have been holding onto items for grown children or haven't packed up old bedrooms, this can be emotional both for kids and parents. If you are moving on and there won't be room for these items, storage can help with the process. You won't be forced to ask your child in college or in a smaller space to take their things or get rid of their things.

3. When Your Spouse Literally Comes with Baggage

If your significant other is moving out of a home they shared with an ex, they might have items from their old life that haven't been dealt with yet. Whether these are shared items that won't be coming with them to a new space, family heirlooms for the kids, or even just boxes of items that actually belong to their ex, don't let this slow down your move. These things can go into storage until they can be dealt with at a later date.

If you are moving in with your new spouse but you are both coming from very full lives, combining your households might seem overwhelming. Don't get bogged down with all of your stuff when planning your move. Storage units will give you and your new spouse a chance to start fresh and build your home together. You don't need to get rid of things you might not be ready to part with right away in a move. Give yourself time to work through your items in storage and assess these items thoughtfully.

For more information on storage options, contact a company like American Storage.
