3 Tips For Safe Winter Moving

Moving to a new home can be stressful in the best of weather, but moving in winter comes with its own unique set of stress-inducing factors that must be addressed. If you are planning to make a move during the winter months, here are three tips that you can use to ensure your move goes safely in the future.

1. Make sure you provide traction.

Sidewalks, driveways, and other surfaces can become dangerous to walk on when cool temperatures set in. Although you might take the time to shovel a path through the snow from your front door to your moving truck, there is still the potential that your movers could slip and fall while transporting heavy items.

Providing additional traction in the form of an old rug or some cat litter spread along your shoveled pathway can help you reduce the chances that someone will sustain an injury from slipping on an icy surface while helping you complete your winter move.

2. Plan to start your winter move early in the day.

Navigating winter pathways and roads can become especially difficult in the dark. If you are planning on moving during the winter months, you should ensure that you start as early in the day as possible to avoid moving after dark.

In the winter there are fewer daylight hours to work with when you are moving. By planning to start your move early in the day, you ensure that you will be finished before the sun sets and the potential for injury due to cold temperatures and poor visibility increases.

3. Protect your floors.

As you lug your belongings out of the house and onto a moving truck, you are likely going to track mud, salt, and snow into your old home. Protecting your floors from damage during a winter move should be a top priority, and this can easily be accomplished by creating designated pathways.

Take a couple of extra moving boxes and cut them apart so they will lay flat. Use these boxes to create walkways inside your home. By having movers walk on the cardboard instead of your floors, you protect your flooring materials from damage caused by mud, salt, or snow that may get carried into your old house on a mover's boots.

Moving in the winter can be challenging, but providing traction along walkways, beginning early in the day, and protecting your floors with cardboard you will be able to eliminate some of the stress associated with a winter move. Contact a local moving company, like Gardner Moving or a similar location, for more tips and info.
